Wafaa’ Al-Natheema on U.S. FDA’s backing of Monsanto

April 1, 2009 at 10:46 am | Posted in Turkmens | Leave a comment
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Continuation of : Monsanto seeds are being forced on Iraqi Farmers by law, please see:
The killing of Iraq’s millenary Agriculture (the Fertile Crescent) is a Crime against Humanity, what is the Iraqi government doing about it?

Wafaa’ Al-Natheema * writes:

As endorsers of April 26, I strongly recommend reading the information below and especially watching the film by Jeffrey Smith in the youtube links below.
All USA food that is being exported to other parts of the world must be boycotted by the people if their governments are unable to issue laws restricting such food. 
The US governmental organizations and departments have been scandulous and unreliable conspiring against their own people, so one can imagine how more careless they can be with people from what they consider “Third countries,” including and especially countries they occupy like Afghanistan and Iraq. 
In the film below, there are details on how the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has backed Monsanto’s unhealthy injections of cows!
A list of GM and rBGH food/drinks is also included below.
* Wafaa’ Al-Natheema’s blog:  http://zennobia.blogspot.com/

Monsanto’s seeds are being forced on Iraqi farmers by law!

March 28, 2009 at 11:07 am | Posted in Turkmens | 1 Comment
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Monsanto’s seeds are being forced on Iraqi farmers by law!

Oct 15 08 –  First, it forces Iraq’s commercial farmers to use registered terminator seeds (the “protected variety”). Then it defines natural seeds as illegal (the “infringing variety”), in a classic Orwellian turn of language.

This is so incredible that it must be re-stated: the exotic genetically scrambled seeds are the “protected variety” and the indigenous seeds are the “infringing variety.”

As Jeffrey Smith explains, author of Order 81: Re-Engineering Iraqi Agriculture:

“To qualify for PVP [Plant Variety Protection], seeds have to meet the following criteria: they must be ‘new, distinct, uniform and stable’… it is impossible for the seeds developed by the people of Iraq to meet these criteria. Their seeds are not ‘new’ as they are the product of millennia of development. Nor are they ‘distinct’. The free exchange of seeds practiced for centuries ensures that characteristics are spread and shared across local varieties. And they are the opposite of ‘uniform’ and ’stable’ by the very nature of their biodiversity.” (3)

Order 81 comes with the Orwellian title of “Plant Variety Protection.” Any self-respecting scientist knows, however, that imposing biological standardization accomplishes the exact opposite: It reduces biodiversity and threatens species. So Order 81 comes with an Orwellian title and consists of Orwellian provisions.

Please see:





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