Iraqi Farmers! Beware of Genetically Modified Food

June 3, 2010 at 9:24 am | Posted in Turkmens | Leave a comment
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This Newsletter was sent to me by the

Institute of Near Eastern & African Studies (INEAS)

P.O. Box 425125

Cambridge, MA 02142 USA

Tel: 1 (617) 86-INEAS (864-6327)





Arab Farmers! Beware of Genetically Modified Food

Please distribute the following link widely to Arab consumers, importers, agriculture experts and farmers around the Arab world:

We want to specifically bring the matter of genetically modified food in this June issue to Arabs because they are among the least groups who have awareness about the subject.

The Dilemma of Iraqi People: They Receive Help from the

Same US forces that Destroyed Their Country!

Iraqis must follow the footsteps of the Haitian farmers by burning the imported seeds, especially those coming from the USA!  The alarming situation of agriculture in Iraq and its dependency is mentioned in the link above!

International Seed Day on April 26, 2010

April 1, 2010 at 1:20 pm | Posted in Turkmens | Leave a comment
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International Seed Day (ISD): An International Day for Patent-Free Seeds, Organic Food and Farmers’ Rights
April 26, 2010


Organizations and activists from around the world will observe April 26 as International Seed Day (ISD) advocating for patent-free seeds, organic food and farmers’ rights. ISD will be an educational day for the public to learn about genetically modified food, its health hazardous effects and the monopoly over worldwide agriculture by major US and European agribusiness companies.

Why April 26?

Order 81 was signed on April 26, 2004 by Paul Bremer, the administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Iraq to control Iraq’s agriculture. The Order was a declaration of war against farmers. Article 14 of this law states “Farmers shall be prohibited from re-using seeds of protected varieties,” Order 81 mends Iraq’s original law No. 65 on patents, created in 1970. The most significant part of Order 81 is the subject of ‘Plant Variety Protection’ (PVP), which ensures not the protection of biodiversity, but rather the protection of the commercial interests of USA and European major seed corporations. In order to qualify for PVP, seeds have to be ‘new, distinct, uniform and stable’. Therefore, the sort of seeds being encouraged to grow by corporations such as World Wide Wheat Company (WWWC), Monsanto and others will be those registered under PVP. International Seed Day (ISD) Library

Press Release | pdf version

Dr. Vandana Shiva to Iraqi Farmers and Women

Full text of Order 81

Detailed information on the status of agriculture in Afghanistan and Iraq

Interview with Wafaa’ Al-Natheema
(in Dutch)

Order 81 and the Plunder of Farming

Stop the Rape of Iraqi Heritage
(in Arabic)

Stop the Rape of Iraqi Heritage
(in English)

The Maui News on International Seed Day

International Seed Day & Order 81
(in Arabic)

International Seeds Day – Dental Tribune

International Seed Day
(in Swedish)

Order 81 and April 26 ISD
(in Swedish)

Third Iraqi-Turkmen Media Council Speech

Iraq and International Seed Day
(in Arabic)

The Dangerous Water Status in IRAQ
(in Arabic)

Pacifying Iraqis with Capitalism

Declaration on GMOs in Kenya

Monsanto vs. Normal Seeds

Wafaa’ Al-Natheema on U.S. FDA’s backing of Monsanto

April 1, 2009 at 10:46 am | Posted in Turkmens | Leave a comment
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Continuation of : Monsanto seeds are being forced on Iraqi Farmers by law, please see:
The killing of Iraq’s millenary Agriculture (the Fertile Crescent) is a Crime against Humanity, what is the Iraqi government doing about it?

Wafaa’ Al-Natheema * writes:

As endorsers of April 26, I strongly recommend reading the information below and especially watching the film by Jeffrey Smith in the youtube links below.
All USA food that is being exported to other parts of the world must be boycotted by the people if their governments are unable to issue laws restricting such food. 
The US governmental organizations and departments have been scandulous and unreliable conspiring against their own people, so one can imagine how more careless they can be with people from what they consider “Third countries,” including and especially countries they occupy like Afghanistan and Iraq. 
In the film below, there are details on how the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has backed Monsanto’s unhealthy injections of cows!
A list of GM and rBGH food/drinks is also included below.
* Wafaa’ Al-Natheema’s blog:

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