A message from Wafaa’ Al-Natheema

June 16, 2009 at 12:58 am | Posted in Turkmens | Leave a comment
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  “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”
 Gerorge Orwell
In February 2009, Navdanya, a non-profit organization in New Delhi offered a 3-day course on organic seeds, patent seeds and biopiracy.  The course was held between February 1st and 3rd. 
On February 1st., Dr. Vandana Shiva introduced the course with an interesting presentation, which we’ve filmed.  Footage available for those interested in obtaining it.
On February 2nd, Wafaa’ Al-Natheema gave an informal presentation on IRAQ’s Order 81.  The small gathering include attendees from India, Europe, Australia and the USA including Jeffrey Smith.  During the Q/A period, Jeffrey Smith made a comment about terminator seeds and the book by William Engdahl, “Seeds of Destruction“.  An audio recording of this presentation with Smith’s comment can be obtained from our Institute.
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