Preparation for a National Conference between Iraq’s Political Parties stalls

January 20, 2012 at 10:16 am | Posted in Turkmens | Leave a comment
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Preparation For A National Conference To Resolve Disputes Between Iraq’s Political Parties Stalls

At the end of December 2011,Iraq’s President Jalal Talabani, backed by the United States, called for a national conference of all of Iraq’s ruling political parties to try to resolve their on-going disputes. At first, it seemed like this would happen as planned, but nothing is that easy inIraq. First, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s State of Lawand the National Alliance led by the Sadrists demanded that the meet happen in Baghdad, while the Iraqi National Movement (INM) and the Kurdish Coalition said it should occur in Kurdistan. Then, the INM demanded Vice President Tariq Hashemi’s terrorism case by dealt with at the conference; something that they had previously said should be excluded. Third, Maliki suspended the National Movement ministers that were boycotting the cabinet, escalating tensions once more. Finally, the INM is making empty threats about replacing Maliki, which only exposes their already weakened position. All together, it does not look like the conference will resolve much, as the soap opera of Iraqi politics continues.

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